Celebrating Spring and Summer Holidays While Your Home is on the Market

Celebrating Spring and Summer Holidays While Your Home is on the Market

For many of us, enjoying the spring and summer means setting up decorations, and having friends and family to our homes for celebrations. However, when you are trying to sell your home, having large groups of loved ones over can be complicated. Fortunately, selling your home doesn’t mean you have to forgo hosting your favorite spring or summer party. Here are some tips for entertaining and celebrating spring and summer holidays when your house is on the market:

Choose Classic Decorations and Simple Concepts

If you like to decorate for St. Patrick’s Day, Passover, Easter, 4th of July, Memorial Day, or a themed spring or summer event, it would be best to select classic décor. It’s fine to have festive items that are specific to the day or event, but the key is to keep things stylish and understated. If your family is attached to certain items that are more ostentatious, consider storing them when your special event is over. If you plan on hosting a celebration or party that requires exterior lighting, be sure it is arranged in a way that accentuates your home’s features without being too flashy. If you are unsure about an aesthetic, talk with your real estate agent to get ideas on how to best decorate for the season.

Tell Your Agent About Parties and Events in Advance

Fortunately, having your home on the market doesn’t mean you can’t entertain family and friends for spring and summer parties and holidays. Life shouldn’t stop because your home is for sale. These times of year offer stunning weather for outdoor parties in places like the Town of Palm Beach.  However, spring and summer can be especially active times for the real estate market in South Florida. A seller in a hot area such as Palm Beach may receive several requests to see their home. If you are having guests on a particular day, notify your agent in advance, and he or she will be able to plan according to your availability.  You want to be able to celebrate the seasons with friends and family while also making your home accessible. By keeping your calendar reasonably open, you can make sure prospective buyers can view your property at mutually convenient times.

Video, Pictures, and Landscaping

Today’s buyers expect to see properties on the internet before setting foot inside them. In locations such as the Town of Palm Beach, buyers may be viewing luxury homes and condominiums from across the country or from the other side of the world. The video and pictures you use to showcase your property will be the reason some prospective buyers contact your agent for an appointment. The exterior and interior of your home matters to buyers, and you want both to look their best when the pictures and footage are taken. As you enjoy celebrations throughout the spring and summer, be sure to restore your home’s interior and lawn features as close as possible to the images portrayed in the video and pictures.

At Rabideau Klein, Guy Rabideau, Esq. and David E. Klein, Esq. are Florida Board-Certified Real Estate Attorneys, with experience assisting clients with their residential real estate matters in the Town of Palm Beach.  We have the expertise and local knowledge you need to evaluate and protect your interest during your Palm Beach County real estate transaction.  Contact Rabideau Klein today to discuss your legal real estate needs.


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