On the Move — Rabideau Law - Newsroom - Rabideau Klein

On the Move — Rabideau Law

By Darrell Hofheinz, Daily News Real Estate

On the Move — Rabideau Law - Newsroom - Rabideau Klein
Guy Rabideau, Esq.

On the move — Rabideau Law is one of only a handful of local legal firms that have specialized in helping clients navigate the sometimes arcane and always discreet world of Palm Beach real estate. The firm founded by attorney Guy Rabideau in 2001 recently made some real estate news itself when it moved from the second floor into larger digs in Suite 404 at 400 Royal Palm Way.

Seems more room was needed to accommodate a still-in-the-works expansion of the practice’s attorney roster. Rabideau’s colleagues already include David E. KleinCharles Ryan Hickman and former Mayor Jack McDonald.

On the Move — Rabideau Law - Newsroom - Rabideau Klein
Jack McDonald

McDonald joined the practice at the beginning of the year and is heading the firm’s “land-use and governmental consulting practice area,” Rabideau said. Translation: The ex-mayor knows a thing or two about steering projects through Town Hall, especially when it comes to the notoriously tough architectural review and permitting processes. And that has opened up more possibilities for new business, according to Rabideau.“He knows so much,” Rabideau said. “He understands the thinking of the town officials.”

Rabideau’s practice focuses on issues involving residential and commercial real estate, including large loan transactions, tax appeals, “cross-border” ownership issues, and construction-contract negotiations. Any of which you can learn more about at the firm’s recently introduced website, RabideauKlein.com.

Darrell Hofheinz writes about real estate and edits Home & Loggia.
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